After a Fall Can a 90 Year Old Walk Again

Falls are a marking of frailty, immobility, and acute and chronic health impairment in older persons. Falls in plough diminish function by causing injury, action limitations, fright of falling, and loss of mobility. Nigh injuries in the elderly are the result of falls; fractures of the hip, forearm, humerus, and pelvis unremarkably result from the combined upshot of falls and osteoporosis.

Prevention of falls must span the spectrum of ages and health states within the older population and address the multifariousness of causes of falls without unnecessarily compromising quality of life and independence. Intrinsic risk factors for falls have been found in controlled studies, which permit the identification of those at risk and suggest potential preventive interventions. Elderly individuals with multiple health impairments are at greatest risk, but many healthy older persons too autumn each twelvemonth. Current understanding of the etiology of postural instability and falling is limited, and at that place is fiddling data about the effectiveness of interventions to prevent falls.

A fall is an unintentional event that results in the person coming to rest on the ground or another lower level. 56 Falls can be described in terms of three phases. The first phase is an initiating event that displaces the body's center of mass across its base of operations of support. Initiating events involve extrinsic factors such as ecology hazards; intrinsic factors such as unstable joints, musculus weakness, and unreliable postural reflexes; and physical activities in progress at the time of the fall. The second phase of a fall involves a failure of the systems for maintaining upright posture to detect and correct this displacement in time to avert a fall. This failure is generally due to factors intrinsic to the private, such as loss of sensory role, dumb central processing, and muscle weakness. The third phase is an impact of the trunk on ecology surfaces, ordinarily the floor or ground, which results in the manual of forces to body tissue and organs. The potential for injury is a function of the magnitude and direction of the forces and the susceptibility of tissues and organs to impairment. A fourth stage, although not part of a autumn, concerns the medical, psychological, and health care sequelae of the fall and bellboy injuries. These sequelae affect the degree of damage and disability resulting from the fall. Approaches to preventing falls and their consequences should focus on factors related to each of these phases.

Falls with certain initiating characteristics (e.chiliad., loss of consciousness, stroke, overwhelming external forcefulness from a motor vehicle blow, or violence) are often excluded from the definition of falls in older persons. 56 The causes of these falls are different from the typical fall associated with neuromuscular and sensory impairment in an older person and are therefore a distinct topic. The commission concurs in this exclusion; consequently, such falls will not be covered in this chapter.



In 1986, at that place were 8,313 deaths from falls reported in the United States for persons aged 65 and older, making falls the leading cause of death from injury in the elderly. 94 This number, derived from death certificates, may underestimate the number of deaths in which falls are a contributing factor. 27 , 49 The rate of autumn-related deaths rises rapidly with historic period for whites aged 70 and older; it rises less dramatically for nonwhites 75 and older (Figure xv-1). By historic period 85, approximately two-thirds of all reported injury-related deaths are due to falls. vi Older men are more likely than older women to die from a fall; the highest mortality rate occurs in white men aged 85 and over (171 per 100,000), followed past white women aged 85 and over (127 per 100,000). The rate of mortality from falls has declined in contempo decades 77 (Figure 15-2), which may reflect increased survival of hip fracture patients 92 and improved trauma intendance. 95 Some studies advise that falls in the frail elderly, peculiarly falls with a "long prevarication" (a long waiting fourth dimension on the ground after a fall earlier aid arrives), are associated with increased mortality independent of injury severity; 36 , 112 this finding, however, is still uncertain. 16

FIGURE 15-1. Death rates from falls per 100,000 persons by age, sex, and race: United States 1986.


Death rates from falls per 100,000 persons by age, sexual activity, and race: United states of america 1986. Source: National Center for Health Statistics annual mortality data tapes reporting external underlying crusade of death.

FIGURE 15-2. Death rates from falls per 100,000 persons by age, sex, and year: United States.

Effigy 15-ii

Death rates from falls per 100,000 persons by age, sex, and twelvemonth: United States. Source: National Center for Health Statistics annual mortality data tapes reporting external underlying cause of death.

Fall-related Injuries

In general, fractures are the most common serious injury resulting from falls in older persons. Specifically, fractures of the hip, wrist, humerus, and pelvis in this historic period grouping outcome from the combined furnishings of falls, osteoporosis, and other factors that increase susceptibility to injury. 21 , 65 Each year in the Us there are approximately 220,000 each of hip and wrist fractures in persons over the historic period of 65 73 (see Chapter 6). Although precise estimates are not bachelor, there are several times as many fractures of other basic in persons aged 65 and older as at that place are hip and wrist fractures. 29 , 33 , 81 The proportions of some often occurring fractures (e.g., those of the rib, manus, foot, and ankle) that event from falls versus other types of trauma are also uncertain. The epidemiology of fracture is reviewed in greater item in Chapter 6.

Other serious injuries resulting from falls include hematoma, joint dislocation, severe laceration, sprain, and other disabling soft tissue injury. There are few information on fall-related injuries other than fracture in the U.Due south. population. In a regional study in northeastern Ohio, the rate of emergency room treatment of fall-related injuries in persons aged 75 and older approached fourscore per 1,000 per year in women and 60 per 1,000 per yr in men. 29 Some other recent report in Dade County, Florida, found an exponential increase with historic period in the charge per unit of fall injuries that received hospital and emergency room handling amongst persons anile 65 and older. These rates were higher in women than men at all ages. 95 Among those over historic period 75, autumn injury rates in women exceeded 100 per 1,000 per year; in men they exceeded 80 per one,000 per twelvemonth. About forty percent of treated fall injuries were fractures.

Most falls, however, do not cause sufficient injury to receive medical attention. Just 3 to 5 percent of falls in elderly persons who reside in the community and in nursing homes result in fractures, with fewer than ane pct of falls causing hip fractures. 36 , 75 , 93 , 103 Just virtually 5 to 10 percent of falls crusade other serious injuries requiring medical care. 36 , 102 Between 30 and 50 percent of falls result in a variety of pocket-size soft tissue injuries that do not receive medical attention; the remainder crusade no injury or but trivial damage. 36 , 75 , 82

Frequency of Falls

The few large customs surveys of falls in this country and elsewhere accept been retrospective, asking respondents about falls in the past year. This focus probably results in significant underreporting and misclassification. 22 , 75 Nonetheless, these studies find that about i-quarter of persons anile 65 to 74 and a third or more of those aged 75 and older report a fall in the previous year, 17 , 84 , 92 figures that are roughly consistent with 12-month recall information from the National Health Interview Survey (Effigy 15-3). About half of those elderly persons (of all ages) who written report falling in the previous year fall 2 or more times, a finding consistent with recent prospective studies. 75 , 103 The rate of falls is even higher in health intendance institutions, with an almanac average incidence of about 1,600 per 1,000 nursing abode patients. 93

FIGURE 15-3. Percentage of older individuals reporting falls in the previous 12 months by age and sex: United States.

Figure xv-3

Percentage of older individuals reporting falls in the previous 12 months by age and sexual practice: United States. Source: National Wellness Interview Survey's 1984 Supplement on Aging.


Estimates from the National Health Interview Survey indicate that, among persons aged 65 and older in 1986, there were five.8 1000000 acute injuries of all types associated with 58.ix million days of restricted activity and 18.eight one thousand thousand bed days. 74 Falls probably business relationship for a large part of this total injury brunt. Nearly one-quarter of falls in the community issue in an activity limitation owing to injury or fear of falling. 75 , 103 Disabilities resulting from hip, wrist, and other fractures in the elderly are substantial (run into Chapter 6), simply in that location are few information on disability-associated autumn injuries other than fracture. 1 study plant that nearly half of those persons aged 65 and older living at abode who are hospitalized for a autumn injury are not discharged to their home; 95 this grouping also includes i-3rd of those with injuries other than a hip fracture.

The psychological and functional consequences of falls can be severe whether or not an injury occurs, just such consequences have received bereft attention and study. Postural instability or a fall can lead to fear of falling and anxiety most normal activities on the part of the older person at gamble, as well as among family members and care givers. The issue may be a reduction in activity, decreased mobility, and increased dependence, ofttimes self-imposed but sometimes originating from others (due east.m., family members, intendance givers). Fear of falling, or "postfall syndrome," may contribute to nursing home admissions 109 and loss of independence. 56


Meaningful estimates of the medical and other economic costs of falls in the elderly are not possible. Autumn-related fractures, however, found the major portion of the costs of osteoporosis, which have recently been estimated at $7 to 10 billion annually. 81 For case, about 90 percent of the estimated $v.2 billion in straight medical costs for osteoporosis in 1986 were owing to infirmary and nursing habitation care; 66 pct of hospitalizations and 82 percent of nursing habitation intendance admissions for osteoporosis involve fractures in which a fall is commonly the source of trauma in an elderly person. 83 Studies are needed of the costs of fall injuries other than fractures, of fall injuries treated on an outpatient basis, of nursing domicile admissions triggered by fearfulness of falling, and of activity limitations and disability owing to falls.


Current prospects for the prevention of falls are uncertain, although several intrinsic and pharmacologic factors that are associated with an increased run a risk of falls accept been identified. Many falls in the elderly are probably multifactorial, resulting from the convergence of several intrinsic, pharmacologic, environmental, behavioral, and activeness-related factors. However, knowledge regarding the etiologic mechanisms of these risk factors and how they combine to produce falls remains limited. Maybe even more than limited is an understanding of situational and environmental factors that precipitate a fall in persons with predisposing characteristics. Situational and environmental factors may be amidst the most important determinants of chance in healthy older persons. Finally, a better agreement is needed of factors that affect the risk of injury and other adverse outcomes of a autumn.

Intrinsic Risk Factors

Falls are a recognized marker of frailty and mobility impairment in the elderly. The presence and severity of functional disability is a useful indicator of the risk of falling in individuals and populations (Table fifteen-i). Information from the National Health Interview Survey's 1984 Supplement on Aging indicate that persons aged 75 to 84 who require help with activities of daily living are fourteen times more probable, and those with limitations in walking, transfer, and balance activities are 10 times more likely, to report having two or more falls in the previous 12 months compared with persons with no limitations. 43 The association of falls with frailty and functional disabilities in the elderly is as well evident in the high rates of falls reported in nursing homes. 93 The design of effective preventive measures, yet, requires knowledge of treatable impairments and weather that contribute to functional disability, frailty, and falls in older populations.

TABLE 15-1. Selected Intrinsic Risk Factors for Falls.

TABLE 15-i

Selected Intrinsic Adventure Factors for Falls.

Normal gait and postural stability depend on the proper functioning of sensory, neuromuscular, and musculoskeletal systems. Limb proprioceptive and tactile input, visual input, and vestibular input are critical for maintaining the body's center of gravity within its base of support, and these sensory pathways may be compromised by historic period and disease. 114 In addition, age-related disturbances in the arrangement and central neurological integration of sensory and motor functions may impair the speed, effectiveness, and reliability of postural reflexes, leading to falls. 99 , 115 Age-related slowing of postural reflexes may increase the muscular strength required for an effective response to postural disturbances, 99 but the forcefulness of skeletal muscles involved in postural control and walking declines with increasing age. 12 , 35 , 117 Weak muscles and unstable or painful joints may also initiate postural disturbances during voluntary movement.

Several studies have institute that impaired vision, lower extremity sensory harm, reduced lower extremity force, and reduced grip strength are associated with the take a chance of falls (see Table 15-1). Arthritis in lower extremity joints and foot disorders contribute to gait and balance problems and are also associated with falls in several studies (Table 15-one). Other sensory problems that may contribute to falls, including cervical mechanoreceptor 116 and vestibular disorders, 72 and the function of dumb central processing in postural instability and falls, 53 need more investigation. A few studies have assessed the association of falls with slowed reaction time, impaired reflexes, and other neurologic signs, with inconclusive results (Table fifteen-one).

Performance-based measures of gait, rest, and neuromuscular role are strong predictors of falls (Table 15-1), probably because they reverberate the combined effect of sensory, neurological, and musculoskeletal impairments on postural stability during the activities in which falls usually occur. 38 , 103 Impaired cognitive function and depression are associated with an increased risk of falls in several studies. Whether the clan of cerebral impairment and falls reflects neurological and psychomotor causes of falls, or behavioral factors related to mental and psychological states, is uncertain. lxx

It is suspected that psychotropic, diuretic, antihypertensive, and antiparkinsonian medications, especially when inappropriately dosed, may contribute to falls in the elderly by decreasing alertness, depressing psychomotor function, or causing fatigue, dizziness, and postural hypotension. 60 Show is strongest for an clan of falls with the use of hypnotic-anxiolytic drugs, especially benzodiazepines 85 (Tabular array fifteen-ane). The role of diuretic and antihypertensive medications in increasing the risk of postural hypotension and falls needs farther investigation. 85 Several studies have establish an association of falls with the number of medications being taken. Research is needed to make up one's mind possible synergistic effects among drugs that might increment postural instability. 10

Several common chronic medical atmospheric condition, including arthritis, dementia of the Alzheimer's type, stroke, cataracts, and urinary incontinence, besides as such uncommon conditions as Parkinson's disease, are associated with falls in one or more studies (Tabular array 15-ane). Although most studies have non found an association of falls with chronic cardiovascular conditions, including postural hypotension, their role as risk factors remains uncertain. Falls may besides exist a nonspecific manifestation of a variety of chronic and astute atmospheric condition. 102

In sum, many impairments, disabilities, and conditions repeatedly have been found to be associated with the risk of falls in the elderly. This chance appears to increment with the number of risk factors a person has, 76 , 103 so that those persons most probable to fall can be identified. Boosted inquiry is needed, notwithstanding, including controlled trials, to determine which treatable risk factors are causal.

Situational and Extrinsic Risk Factors

The adventure of falls in plain healthy older persons is substantial, 76 , 103 suggesting that behavioral, psychosocial, activity-related, and ecology factors are important in the etiology of falls and may combine with intrinsic adventure factors to increase risk. For case, small environmental hazards that are easily negotiated by a good for you individual can get major obstacles to mobility and safe for a person with gait or residue impairments. More mostly, the physical demands of certain activities or tasks may exceed the competence of the individual, resulting in a fall. 47 Although potentially an important area of enquiry, electric current understanding of this type of autumn risk factor is quite limited.

In healthy, agile older persons, situational and extrinsic factors may be the predominant determinants of risk. Compared with frail and impaired elderly persons, falls among the individuals in this grouping are thought more often to involve overt environmental hazards, risk-taking activities like climbing ladders, hurrying, or running; in addition, they are more often probable to occur away from home. 56 Exposure to fall risks is spread over a wide range of physical environments and activities. In contrast, falls in health-impaired older persons are thought to occur during routine airing and transfer maneuvers, ordinarily without an overt ecology hazard, and to occur at home. Among the functionally impaired elderly, autumn risks are focused on activities required for bones mobility within a familiar environment.

If these contrasting patterns of autumn risk are valid, then preventive efforts may demand to be tailored to the health level of the population. 54 In improver, the two contrasting patterns of risk ascertain a continuum along which many people move with advancing age and declining function. Behavioral, cerebral, and psychological factors that influence how an individual perceives and adapts to the dynamic and changing fit between his or her capabilities and environmental and task demands are a potentially important focus for fall prevention. 47 , 50 , 106 Additional research in this surface area is needed to guide the design of behavior-oriented prevention efforts.

Individual adaptations to increasing fall risks range from abstention of specific high-run a risk activities and removal of environmental hazards, to enhancement of personal and environmental resources to maintain desired activities, to full general cutback of mobility and activities. Modification of activities and behaviors aimed at reducing risk is frequently appropriate; however, a delicate balance must always be struck between reduction in risk and maintenance of quality of life and independence. Although drastic reductions in activity may decrease falls in the short term by reducing exposure, over the long term, reduced self-confidence and physical deconditioning may only increase risk.

Environmental Factors

Environmental hazards potentially include poor stairway pattern and disrepair, inadequate lighting, clutter, glace floors, unsecured mats and rugs, and lack of nonskid surfaces in bathtubs, among many others. Environmental factors are implicated by self-study as contributing to one-tertiary to 1-half of falls, 56 , 76 , 93 , 103 but almost studies do not compare exposure to environmental hazards in those who fall with a control group. Only a few prospective studies have assessed hazards in the habitation as risk factors, with inconclusive results. 76 , 103 No studies take assessed hazards outside the dwelling house or quantified exposure to hazards (in terms of frequency, elapsing, and intensity) to develop a truthful estimate of risk; the usual approach is simply to note the presence of hazards in the homes of subjects. In improver, definitions of ecology hazards and methods for assessing them are difficult to standardize. 91

The contribution of environmental factors to falls depends on both intrinsic adventure factors and other situational variables, but these interactions are poorly understood. Persons with functional disabilities may exist especially susceptible to a cluttered, poorly designed, or poorly illuminated environment. In addition, postural stability in an older person may be affected past subtle environmental cues such equally lighting and visual and spatial design. 80 , 99 , 107 , 115 Although previous experience or familiarity with a particular environmental obstruction may reduce the risk per exposure, 102 factors that suddenly precipitate a misstep or trip in these familiar contexts are poorly understood, and methods to report such questions are needed.

Determinants of Injury and Other Outcomes of Falls

For injuries resulting from mechanical free energy, such as a fall, the severity of touch, the resistance of the body through inertial forces, the rubberband capacity of tissue, and the viscous tolerance of the body organs play an important role in the run a risk of injury. 18 Because of declines in the strength and resiliency of muscle, bone, and other tissues, older persons have an increased hazard of injury compared with a younger person subjected to like impact forces. 94 For instance, os mineral density is highly correlated with os strength; after age 50, bone density declines almost 1 percent per year at cardinal sites such as the proximal femur. 65 The risk of fractures of the hip, forearm, and other sites increases with decreasing bone density independently of age. 20 , 51 , 63 Other factors that contribute to the risk of fracture owing to a fall include the orientation of the fall, the speed and effectiveness of protective responses, the power of skin, fat, musculus, and environmental surfaces to absorb and distribute mechanical energy, and the compages of bone. 20 , 64 A amend understanding of biomechanical and other factors affecting the run a risk of fall injuries is needed.

Older people ofttimes accept a worse event than younger people from the same injury considering of impaired tissue regeneration, decreased functional reserves, and poorer immunologic role. 18 , 48 The psychosocial sequelae of falls are a poorly understood but potentially important outcome because they may influence functional recovery from fall injuries as well as the risk of farther falls. Very little is known well-nigh factors that precipitate a "postfall syndrome" of extreme fear and anxiety.


Research on risk factors for falls and the causes of postural instability suggests many preventive interventions, although at present in that location is nearly no straight evidence of the effectiveness of any approach to preventing falls. 46 This situation will soon alter as a result of studies now in progress. For the moment, however, one can only speculate about which approaches are most promising. In a few instances, evidence regarding modifications of intermediate variables that are take a chance factors for falls provides a limited footing for speculation.

Exercise and Physical Activeness

Skeletal muscle strength and mass decline with historic period 57 , 58 , 71 and immobility. 12 Impaired force is a potent predictor of falls in most studies (Tabular array xv-1) and may as well increment the chance of injury from a fall. Exercise might forbid falls and injury past strengthening muscles and increasing endurance; maintaining and improving posture, joint motion, and postural reflexes; stimulating cardiorespiratory office; and improving alertness. 41 A growing body of evidence indicates that the elderly respond to exercise training and that this response (which may include increased muscle strength and mass and increased aerobic chapters 24 ) continues at very old ages and extremes of frailty. iii , 25 Weight-bearing do may also assistance preserve bone mass, although this benefit is uncertain. 43 , 81 Do and physical activity are positively associated with physical and mental part in cross-sectional studies, but whether exercise training in the elderly can improve physical function, postural reflexes, mental function, or general wellness and well-being is uncertain. 43

The type, level, intensity, and duration of do required to achieve a given health objective are controversial. 42 In detail, the effects of depression-level exercise and concrete activity, such as walking, on musculus strength, bone mass, postural reflexes and other factors affecting fall injuries are uncertain. 12 Because depression-level exercises are popular, conducive to increased compliance, especially in fragile subjects, and less probable to cause adverse effects, 41 they should be considered for inclusion in prevention trials along with high-intensity, focused training regimes. Nutritional causes of skeletal muscle weakness should also be considered equally targets for intervention. 93

There are no controlled studies specifically of exercise to forestall falls, though exercise has been included as a component of a few undifferentiated multiple risk factor interventions. 50 , 78 Exercise, and forcefulness preparation regimes in item, will be a central feature of future trials of fall prevention. These studies must address of import issues of content, cost, safety, acceptability, and compliance, particularly as these apply to a frail older population with multiple chronic weather condition. Techniques for minimizing the hazard of exercise-induced injury are needed. Methods are as well needed to control for possible increased exposure to situational and environmental fall risks resulting from exercise and physical activity programs, and to differentiate the psychosocial and the physiological effects of exercise interventions.

Rehabilitative Therapies: Residual and Gait Training

Residuum and gait abnormalities are associated with falls (Tabular array 15-ane) and may exist modified through focused rehabilitative interventions. 106 Rehabilitative strategies include strength grooming targeted to dumb muscle groups, habituation exercises for persons with vestibular problems, motor coordination and proprioception exercises for persons with balance issues, and gait training for individuals with gait abnormalities. 37 , 96 , 106 A few studies propose it may exist possible to ameliorate residue with focused exercise or repetition of specific voluntary movements associated with instability. eight , 45 , 106 Additional controlled studies are needed to test the effect of rehabilitative therapies on balance, gait, and falls.


More than than 70 percent of persons 65 and older living at home currently take at least one prescribed medication, 44 and the percentage is even higher among nursing home residents. 7 Randomized trials to determine whether adherence to conservative guidelines for use of psychotropic medications prevents falls are conspicuously warranted. Such guidelines include "a) careful assessment of the need for a psychotropic drug with consideration of nonpharmacologic therapy, b) use of drugs with fewer potential side effects, c) utilize of the lowest effective dose, d) utilise of drug for the shortest possible elapsing," 85 and reduction of other drugs when initiating treatment with psychotropic medications. 10 The efficacy of such an approach is unknown. However, there is evidence that the prescribing habits of physicians tin can be modified. 40 , 87 Educational efforts emphasizing the dangers of cocky-medication and tinkering with prescribed doses may besides be of value 5 , 34 and should be tested. More research is needed to determine the contribution of cardiovascular medications to the risk of falling.

Environmental and Behavioral Interventions

Although there is little epidemiologic evidence linking environmental hazards to the risk of falling, environmental factors remain a promising focus for intervention. Common sense suggests many modifiable factors that touch the safety of both the home and community environments, ranging from sidewalks and stairways in disrepair, to grossly inadequate lighting, to unsafe footwear, to prophylactic measures like grab bars and nonskid surfaces in bathrooms. 56 , 100 More subtle environmental factors (due east.grand., the shape and positioning of handrails, the design of furniture, storage space, and bathrooms) may also be important. two Environmental assessment and modification appears viable every bit a component of clinic, community-based, and institutional programs. 50 , 93 All the same, there is a large range of difficulties and costs of environmental and pattern modifications; in improver, methods for overcoming psychological and economic barriers to implementation must be considered.

Because falls tend to occur where people spend the most fourth dimension, a dwelling house-oriented prevention strategy is important. Numerous checklists are available to help place environmental hazards in the home, 56 , 100 only at that place is piffling information to help prioritize remediation of the many hazards that may be found. Studies are needed to identify where falls occur in the domicile and the prevalence of various home hazards. Studies of the risk attributable to each of these dwelling hazards, particularly in relation to the person'south time at hazard and their functional disabilities, are critical to the pattern of prevention strategies. An approach that combines medical and physical therapy evaluation with a habitation surround assessment may exist particularly constructive attributable to the fact that physical disabilities and ecology factors interact to cause many falls. 93 , 102

Educational activity is an essential element of the prevention of falls considering the perception of wellness risk supports wellness activeness. Educating patients and the public to recognize potential hazards in the home and to distinguish safe from gamble-taking behavior may accept benefits in terms of the perception of gamble and the adoption of safe practices. Some hazards can be addressed by behavioral changes alone—for example, avoiding darkened stairways or such risky activities every bit continuing on chairs. In i report a bulk of older persons who had suffered falls felt that their falls were preventable by changes in their own or another's behavior. 50 Involving the older person at risk in whatever cess of the home surround is an important educational tool that will support compliance with the skilful's recommendations. A better understanding of how psychological and cognitive factors affect the success of behavioral and environmental interventions to reduce fall risks would assist focus supportive education and counseling. l06 Mechanisms for developing community resources and delivering them to elderly persons in need of aid in making environmental or behavioral changes should exist designed and tested.

Finally, physical restraints are sometimes used with institutionalized patients to forbid falls, 23 only no studies have determined whether this approach is successful or whether alternative strategies of managing fall-prone patients would be equally or more than effective.

Frameworks for Multiple Gamble Cistron Interventions

Considering of the multifactorial nature of falls and the wide range of factors involved, it is possible that the near effective clinic or community-based interventions will address several types of hazard factors and involve various disciplines. 56 , 93 , 102 Intensive clinical evaluation of elderly individuals with instability problems oft finds multiple weather condition that could contribute to falls and that may be treatable. 30 , 93 , 102 To prevent falls, all the same, medical evaluation and treatment may need to target those impairments that are well-nigh likely to crusade falls and include pharmacologic, rehabilitative, psychosocial, and environmental components in a treatment plan.

Multidisciplinary geriatric assessment and handling programs suggest one model for multiple hazard cistron interventions: "Comprehensive geriatric assessment generally includes evaluation of the patient in several domains. . . physical, mental, social, economical, functional and environmental" with the goal of guiding the selection of interventions to restore or preserve health. 19 Geriatric assessment in rehabilitation and inpatient settings has demonstrated effectiveness in prolonging survival and reducing hospital and nursing abode admissions; there is besides some evidence it may better functional status. nineteen Preliminary results from one study suggest that a modest reduction in falls is also possible (Lawrence Rubenstein, VA Medical Middle, Sepulveda, California, personal communication, 1989). Performance-oriented assessment and intervention may also be a useful model for fall prevention in medical care settings. In this approach, concrete functioning and mobility are evaluated in the context of the usual activities of daily living, preferably in the residential setting; those impairments that contribute to functional and mobility problems are targeted for medical, rehabilitative, or environmental remediation. 61 , 101 , 102

Whether falls can be prevented by aggressive diagnosis, handling, and rehabilitation of multiple take chances factors, either in traditional medical settings or in settings guided past principles of geriatric medicine, remains to be tested. The price-effectiveness of such an approach and the willingness and ability of third-political party payers to finance information technology must also be carefully evaluated.

Although intrinsic risk factors may be most effectively addressed through clinical interventions, environmental, educational, behavioral, and low-level practise and physical activity interventions can be implemented through customs-based programs. Educational programs may encourage changes on the individual level, also every bit on the level of governmental action and public sensation. For instance, an increased awareness of the importance of safe access by the elderly and disabled to the broader physical surroundings is important for increased mobility and may be a factor in the prevention of falls. The effectiveness of customs-based fall prevention programs may depend equally much on social, political, and psychological factors as on the inherent value of the intervention. Therefore, trials of such programs should include in-depth process as well as effect evaluation.

Targeting Interventions

There is substantial heterogeneity in the health and functional status of elderly populations, and the diverse causes of falls reflect this heterogeneity. The success of preventive efforts may depend on the ability to target interventions toward those take a chance factors that are most important in subgroups of the population. Medical and rehabilitative approaches may be about beneficial in the very dumb elderly and those, living in nursing homes, whereas environmental and behavioral interventions may accept most value among healthy older persons living in the community. Nevertheless, these contrasting approaches may merely imply dissimilar emphases on a common set of factors, with intrinsic, ecology, and situational factors combining to cause nigh falls in both healthy and impaired persons. For instance, slowed postural reflexes may increase the risk of falls attributable to slips and trips in otherwise healthy persons, and it is possible that postural reflexes can be improved past preparation and exercise.

The goal of prevention should be not only to reduce falls but to reduce injury and other sequelae of falls. The risk of injury from a fall is the product of a sequence of risks, including the probability of falling, the effectiveness of protective responses, protection by local daze absorbers, including ecology surfaces, and the strength and resiliency of tissue and organs. 64 Thus, preventive efforts should address each of the phases in the injury sequence. 18 Approaches to decreasing susceptibility to fall injuries are currently limited to therapy to foreclose bone loss (run across Chapter vi). Environmental surfaces that cushion the touch of a autumn, besides every bit learned protective responses, should also be explored. Finally, improved approaches to treatment and rehabilitation of injuries in the elderly should be emphasized. 18




Randomized trials of fall prevention interventions are a high priority. Agencies of the National Institutes of Wellness are currently sponsoring a program of such research, and consideration should be given to increasing funding to support a greater number of trials. Interventions that should exist given a high priority for randomized trials include the following:

  • focused practise and forcefulness training regimes;

  • concrete therapy, rehabilitation, and preparation for specific balance and gait impairments;

  • comprehensive medical diagnosis and treatment focused on neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and sensory impairments thought to cause falls;

  • adherence to conservative guidelines for utilise of hypnoticanxiolytic drugs;

  • improved vision care and updated lens prescriptions;

  • modification of environmental risks in the home;

  • behavioral/educational interventions focusing on risk awareness and gamble-taking behaviors; and

  • multiple risk factor interventions.

Intervention trials should provide data on the effectiveness of singled-out handling components, either past focusing on a single component or, when multifactor interventions are used, through a "crossed" or "matrix" blueprint. Where appropriate, investigators should as well provide data on the costs and benefits of the program. Trials should be undertaken in both community-abode and institutionalized populations.


Support should be provided for observational studies of falls that will expand the cognition base of operations for time to come intervention designs by increasing understanding of the etiologic mechanisms of falls and of interactions amidst risk factors. High priority should be given to the post-obit:

  • better agreement of situational risk factors (behavioral, psychosocial, activity-related, and ecology variables) and how these interact with gait, balance, and other impairments in causing falls;

  • better understanding of the pathophysiology of postural control abnormalities in the elderly to identify new leads for therapy;

  • studies of the outcome of psychosocial factors on adaptation and on the coping strategies of older persons adjusting to physical impairments, postural instability, and falls;

  • greater understanding of the furnishings of injury on the psychological function and quality of life of older persons;

  • studies of where falls occur in the home and of the location and prevalence of diverse dwelling house hazards;

  • studies of the run a risk attributable to specific domicile hazards, especially in relation to the person's time at take chances to these exposures and their functional disabilities;

  • in cognitively impaired and demented patients, an increased understanding of the respective roles of neurological and behavioral factors in causing falls;

  • studies of diuretic and antihypertensive therapy and falls that examine specific drug types, underlying cardiovascular weather condition, and new versus established apply, and that have the power to detect moderate increases in risk;

  • studies of the distribution and determinants of gamble factors for falls in populations, specially neuromuscular, sensory, gait, and balance impairments; and

  • monitoring of new drugs and postmarketing surveillance in elderly patients for side furnishings that cause postural instability and falls.


Support should be provided for studies that accost methodological issues in inquiry on falls, including the post-obit:

  • utilise of intermediate outcome variables, such equally balance and strength measures, to estimate the effectiveness of interventions in preventing falls and injuries;

  • reliable methods of self-report ascertainment and description of falls in customs-home populations;

  • development of reliable falls surveillance mechanisms for institutionalized and cognitively impaired populations, including accelerometers and other technological approaches;

  • methods for quantifying exposure to fall chance, particularly ecology and activity-related hazard factors, which are of import in assessing the efficacy of interventions that increase exposure by increasing physical activity and mobility; and

  • methods for describing and classifying the full range of fall injuries and other agin sequelae, including fear of falling and activity limitations.


The recommendation made in the National Research Council/Found of Medicine report Injury in America for the apply of E-codes (from the World Health Organization's International Nomenclature of Diseases, "External Causes of Injury") in medical records, including infirmary discharge records, should exist implemented. This practice would allow better tracking of national health objectives, the functioning of analytic studies, and evaluation of the effectiveness of proposed preventive measures. Indeed, implementation of this objective would benefit a broad range of injury enquiry and prevention activities.


Studies of the biomechanical and other determinants of fall injuries, particularly the understanding of bear on responses and tolerances, should be emphasized every bit a potential ways of preventing autumn injuries through the environmental command of mechanical free energy. Increased research in this surface area might lead to the design of energy-absorbing surfaces or unobtrusive protective clothing for loftier-take a chance older persons.


Support should be provided for studies of the economical costs of fall-related injuries other than fractures, of outpatient treatment of fall injuries, and of nursing abode admissions related to falls.

Education and Services


Support should be allocated for community-based demonstration projects in injury prevention in full general and in prevention of falls in particular, stressing education, reduction of environmental risks, and changes in adventure-taking behavior. As part of these projects, methods for coordinating existing public- and private-sector organizations and mobilizing new community injury control resources (east.g., retired firemen, building trades workers) should be developed and evaluated.


State-of-the-art fall prevention techniques should exist integrated into existing national/local injury control programs.


Public education aimed at both the older population and society at large should provide information on run a risk factors for falls and injuries, means to modify risks, and sources of assistance in risk reduction. These activities should make aggressive use of several media, including tv, radio, and the health care delivery organization.


Treatment and rehabilitation programs addressing the psychological ("mail service-fall syndrome") and disability outcomes of falls should be developed and tested.


The full general topic of injury prevention for the older person should be a required part of the core curriculum of preparation and continuing education of health professionals. Curriculum areas should include the significance of injury (and falls in particular) equally a public health problem, run a risk factors for injury, and presumptive and demonstrated injury command strategies.


Professional training in architecture, city planning, product design, and human factors engineering should include information on the range of capabilities and limitations of the older population so that these factors can be incorporated into designs, standards, and plans.


Agencies that fix and enforce architectural, building, and safety standards affecting the environments of older persons should accept into business relationship the range of capabilities in the elderly population. Applied multidisciplinary studies that accost the intersection of standards for the built environs, human factors, and aging should be supported.


Acceptable reimbursement for injury prevention efforts should be sought, including reimbursement for clinical evaluation and interventions to decrease the take chances of falling.

Other Areas

In add-on to implementation of the recommendations for prevention of osteoporosis outlined in Chapter 6, the recommendations of the surgeon general's 1988 Workshop on Wellness Promotion and Aging regarding injury command, medications, and physical activity should too exist implemented, with particular emphasis on the following:

  • research and evaluation of promising approaches to improving the agreement and constructive use of medications in the elderly, including medication profiles and diaries, color-coding, special packaging, large impress, pictographs, and messages adjusted to social, cultural, and educational differences;

  • education of patients, family members, and health care providers in proper use, monitoring of side effects, and management of multiple medications for the older individual;

  • continued research on the full spectrum of physiological, functional, and psychosocial effects of exercise regimes and regular concrete activity, including strength, endurance, bone mass, agility, coordination, flexibility, and well-being; and

  • research to determine the appropriate type, intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise necessary to achieve the potential benefits in wellness and functional chapters across a broad historic period bridge and range of health status and abilities.



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