The Commons House Was an Important Colonial Representative Assembly in

The Journal of Southern History

journal article

The Role of the Lower Houses of Assembly in Eighteenth-Century Politics

The Journal of Southern History

Published Past: Southern Historical Association

The Journal of Southern History

https://www. jstor .org/stable/2204309



Journal Information

The Journal of Southern History, which is edited at and sponsored by Rice Academy, is a quarterly devoted to the history of the American South and is unrestricted every bit to chronological period, methodology, or southern historical topic. The Journal publishes refereed articles and solicited volume reviews and book notes on all aspects of southern history. As the organ of the Southern Historical Clan, which is headquartered in the Department of History at the University of Georgia, the Journal likewise publishes items pertaining to the business of the Association equally well as news and notices of interest to historians of and in the South. The purpose of the Southern Historical Association is to encourage the written report of history in the South with an emphasis on the history of the S.

Publisher Information

The Southern Historical Association was organized on November 2, 1934 and charged with promoting an "investigative rather than a memorial approach" to southern history. Its objectives are the promotion of interest and research in southern history, the drove and preservation of the South's historical records, and the encouragement of state and local historical societies in the South. As a secondary purpose the Association fosters the teaching and study of all areas of history in the S. The Association holds an annual coming together, unremarkably in the get-go or second week of Nov, and publishes The Journal of Southern History.


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